Our customers' verdict

On neutral review portals

We do not collect any reviews ourselves on noez.de. We leave this work to neutral review portals. The majority of our reviews can be found on Trustpilot.com, Google.com and Hosttest.de. On our product pages we always show the current star rating from Google.com. Below you will find some reviews from Google and Hosttest about noez.de. Do you have something to say about us? We would also be happy to receive your review!

4.2 stars on average, 1677 reviews since 2012 (07/24)
4.1 stars on average, 172 reviews since 2012 (07/24)
4.8 stars on average, 31 reviews since 2012 (07/24)

* Please note that the Content Integrity Team at Trustpilot.com has asked us to remove any star ratings, reviews or judgements from our site. We are therefore not allowed to display any reviews or the overall star score without the appropriate paid subscriptions. As a measure by Trustpilot, readers will now be warned of violations by noez on the Trustpilot site. Although this restriction has been imposed on us, we want to remain transparent, so you can still find the link to our Trustpilot page here.